Hi, I’m Dan
I’m a software engineer living in Bristol and working in Bath. I specialise in backend software development, primarily working with NodeJS, TypeScript and TerraForm, building on both the Google (GCP) and Amazon (AWS) cloud platforms.
I currently work for PlaySports Network as Head of Engineering. I focus on the GCN App as well as internal business functions. Previously I worked in video streaming, building systems integrate encoders into Live and VOD video workflows. I graduated from Plymouth University with a 1st in Web Applications Development in 2014.
Outside of work I chase adventure as a photographer, cyclist and hiker. I spend as much time as possible in the mountains, and am well known for bike-packing and remote wild camping.
Common Questions
To save us both some time, I’ve answered some popular questions below.
Thats too big a question to answer here, so there’s a whole page dedicated to it.
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Where can I follow your work?
Here, in short. Otherwise, your best bet is to follow my Instagram account for an erratic stream of photos.